05 February 2009

What I want to avoid at all costs....

So this morning, I was chilling out with some of the radiology guys, reading CT scans and listening to music. Then the attending walked in, and asked the standard questions that I routinely have to answer:
"What's your name?" Clarissa
"Where are you from?" Here.
"What are you going into" OB.
"When do you find out where you're going?" March.
So then he decided to share a relevant story from his intern year, long long ago.
So his buddy was delivering a baby, and it seemed like the woman needed several more pushes before the baby was going to come. Since this was before there was a limit on work hours, this dude had apparently been awake for over 30 hours and was exhausted. So he sits on a stool, to just rest for a minute, and he falls asleep....he wakes up abruptly when he realizes that in his stupor, he has flopped forward, and his head landed on this woman's vagina. Yup. That is most definitely to be avoided.

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